Many things are added on, in the form of upgrades. The process is cumulative, you don�t even realize that you�re learning all of these new moves, controls and commands because it�s only offered to you once you get used to using the old stuff. Looking back, there definitely is a lot to learn but you don�t have to learn everything all at once. But the most important aspect of the game is that it�s fun to play. The gameplay mechanics and production values are virtually perfect. There are many things to appreciate in Company of Heroes but the main thing that impressed me was that there are virtually no flaws in the game at all.
It�s a full-fledged, stand alone game that will test your strategic mettle in new ways. The single-player campaign mode is a great training ground but it�s not intended to be a tutorial. This is necessary to play your best in the Multi-player and Skirmish modes. It�s learning the controls, mostly the keyboard commands and shortcuts that will take some time. It gets more difficult as you go but the learning curve is gradual.
It�s fast-paced, rivaling some action adventure games. Company of Heroes is an amazingly fun RTS game that doesn�t sacrifice depth for entertainment.